Sunday, October 28, 2012

How can I unlink my windows live account from my xbox profile?

How can I unlink my windows live account from my xbox profile?
I linked my xbox profile to a account which i've forgotten the password for and forgotton the email i used to make that windows live account so theres no way i can retrieve the password. Can i some how link it to my new windows live account?
Xbox - 2 Answers
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Answer 1 :
No you have to have your old e-mail and password in order to confirm it's your profile.
Answer 2 :
if u can not remind the previous email and password, u can try to contact with the xbox customer service for some detailed information.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

What other accounts besides the bible record Jesus' existence during the time he supposedly lived?

What other accounts besides the bible record Jesus' existence during the time he supposedly lived?
More specifically, accounts that were written during his lifetime. @Corbett - I'm not religious, just curious. @Inigo Montoya - Well, if your last sentence was directed at me, I'm an yeah.
Religion & Spirituality - 18 Answers
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Answer 1 :
roman records
Answer 2 :
JOSEPHUS AND DO YOU CARE?? Have you even read the Bible?? He is in worldbook too..
Answer 3 :
None. The only ones you hear about are all born after. Supposed Jesus witnesses Josephus - Born 37 CE Phlegon - Born about 80 CE Tacitus - Born 56 CE Pliny the Younger - Born 61 CE Suetonious - Born about 69 CE The Babylonian Talmud - 200CE Lucian - Born 125 CE Phlegon - 2nd century They really do feel the need to lie about this....there isn't a single Roman mention of him at all. He wasn't even a blip on their screen. And as I just pointed out, Josephus did mention early Christians and did make a couple vague references. The one is almost certainly a forgery because a Jew like him wouldn't word it the way it was, and the second is very unimpressive. But in any even the guy wasn't even born until 3 years after the events, so he didn't see them.
Answer 4 :
The easy way to do that is to type in Jesus in....Roman culture German Culture Italian Culture and so on and so forth until you have covered every nation in the world!
Answer 5 :
There are no contemporaneous records of a 'jesus'. When people mention Josephus, they also don't mention he was born 37 AD, well after the date of the 'crucifixion'. Remember: 'christians' are too ignorant to comprehend the meaning of the word contemporaneous.
Answer 6 :
the bible is more than one account it is a collection of 66 book written by 40 authors over a period of 1400 years
Answer 7 :
His existence? Buddhist and Hindu records show he was there during the missing 20 years. What he said? There is nothing written down at the time that he said it. All of what is in the bible is 10th hand hearsay written 100 years after the fact.
Answer 8 :
There are too many to list here.
Answer 9 :
There is absolutely no record of Jesus outside the bible, nothing, zip, nada.
Answer 10 :
During Jesus' time? There aren't any. As with the many that were crucified, Jesus meant nothing special to the Romans. So if he were real, they would have had no reason to record his crucifixion or anything else about him. The only other accounts of Jesus were written way after his supposed death. Josephus wasn't even born until 4yrs after Jesus was crucified and he didn't even write the "Antiquities of the Jews" until the late 1st century, and then the writing only has two passages "possibly" attributed to Jesus. There is Tactus, who “eluded to” the crucifixion of Jesus in Book 15 of the "Annals". But he wasn't even born until 56AD, and the "Annals" weren't even written until 116AD, 83yrs after Jesus death. Two others, Julius Africanus & Lucian of Samosata, weren’t even born until the 2nd century AD. Even Pliny the Younger & Tacitus weren’t born until 30yrs after Jesus was crucified. They are not witnesses, so how can they be credible? As for the "letter from Pilate to Emperor Claudius", that is a pseudepigrapha letter, and not even written until the 4th century. Which means that it’s a forgery. As for Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus, he wasn't born until 40yrs after Jesus death and most scholars believe that his passages on "Chrestus" were about some other person and then passages were later changed by Christian scribes. And as for Mara Bar-Serapion (not born until the 2nd century) he only had one passage that talked about a "wise king" killed by his own people. That is hardly an automatic nod to Jesus. I just find it funny that so many Christians search for "historical proof" then whine about faith and the Bible being all you need.
Answer 11 :
None, if someone claims roman records I'd ask for a source you could check. The earliest writing comes from Josephus who wasn't even born at the time the Jesus figure would have died and records what believers told them. He wrote Antiquities in 93 C.E. which is what those who cite him as historical evidence are referring to. Aside from the fact its well after the alleged lifetime it also has issue of suspected later forgery in the form of added insertions by later church clergy. Additionally, Josephus as a historian wrote down the alleged tales and religious figures of many different beliefs aside from Christianity, he simply recorded what he was told about them. Yet we don't cite him as proof those other religions and their figures are obviously true.
Answer 12 :
The Quran states that he was given a Gospel during his life time from God , yet this Gospel is no where to be found! Other records are all after his lifespan.
Answer 13 :
Nothing compelling or contemporary. Other events that could be confirmed independently like the Star or the insane census that cause Mary and Joseph to goto Bethlehem also have no supporting evidence.
Answer 14 :
Start reading a lot.
Answer 15 :
All of the Gospels were written by men who had never meet Jesus. The earliest gospel was written about 60 years after Jesus death. Paul who contributed much of the standards practices, was not even aware of any of the stories about Jesus life. Moreover Paul`s account of meeting Jesus in a vision, was most likely an epileptic seizure.
Answer 16 :
Please, love. Jesus is a fictional character! There are books about Santa Claus but is he true??? Honestly, I can't believe people in the 21st century are still this nieve.
Answer 17 :
Jesus was mentioned by the Roman writer, Josephus. And he was a pagan...And had nothing to gain by the mention...To Josephus, Jesus was just another Jew executed by the authorities... Makes you wonder WHY his writings survived? Maybe to leave proof...from another source, that Jesus HAD been here.
Answer 18 :
At least 5 writers give extra-Biblical credence to the existence of Jesus within 50 years of His lifetime.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

My Stardoll account got banned but will i still get charged for my year superstar membership?

My Stardoll account got banned but will i still get charged for my year superstar membership?
I payed for a years membership on stardoll and so far have only used one month of it. However my account got banned and i just wanted to no will it still take money of my credit card each month or will i get a refund?
Computer Networking - 3 Answers
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Answer 1 :
I don't know what stardoll is but if you've been banned they should not charge you for the rest of the year. Tell the CC company to cancel the payments if they try and take any more money.
Answer 2 :
idk but they should!!! lol!! =]
Answer 3 :
I don't think so if you don't go on it anymore you don't have to pay and every month check your credit card bill and if they charge you maybe call them up or send them a email.

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Monday, October 1, 2012

What will happen to the accounts of regular customers if Fortis goes under?

What will happen to the accounts of regular customers if Fortis goes under?
I live in Belgium and Fortis is both my bank and that of my folks. If you know anything of the politics in this country you will understand why I have no faith in our government to fix things. If Fortis goes under, what will happen to regular customers like my parents and me. My folks have mostly their current account, savings and portfolio, I have my current account, savings and a small loan. I'm worried we'll end up with nothing. Can anyone explain?
Corporations - 2 Answers
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Answer 1 :
Under Dutch and Belgian law, only the first 20,000 euros ($29,000) in bank accounts are insured. But i thought i had read that the Belgium Government had said with regard to fortis they would guarantee all savings 100% to stop a run on the bank.
Answer 2 :
UK reply. Understand about not trusting ANY Government! Ours is just as useless as yours! However I thought the Belgium Governemnt had agreed to nationalise it, but I assume at the same time they are trying to sell to another bank? The same as as happened in the UK with Northern Rock, HBOS and Bradford & Bingley. I don't think any Government can afford to let a bank with retail accounts go bust. This would result in everyone going to their bank asking for their money back which no bank can do as they do not literally have enough "cash" to pay out. So far no consumer has lost any savings (shareholders of banks yes, but that is different) in any country. So don't be too worried. You don't appear to be a bank shareholder, if you are be prepared to write that money off! By the way if the bank did go bust (as I say very unlikely) you would lose your savings but your loan will still remain payable to the bank's new owner!

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